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it sounds to me. You wonder why I didn't say much about Noosa. I wasn't there long enough to see much of the place. I arrived Friday night & Sat. helped Mum in the house & then went for a swim. I slept in the afternoon & went to the pictures at night with Mum & Stan. Sunday morning I went out with Dad after yabbies & Sunday mid day I left. There were two places brought back memories to me, one was a turn in the road where I was nearly jolted through the windscreen, and the other was Mermoa Point. Will I ever forget that, no never, will you pet.
Yes, I can follow what you mean, "A little loving in the bloom, a little love, a quiet room," you make me very passionate Alan. Darling I think you made a mistake, it must be scanties all lace, not all laced.
That color snap is poor, dosn't take a close up, look at in the twilight Alan, you might like it then.
Don't think for one minute I have ceased to care. I live only for you Alan. I don't mind you being possessive, I am yours dear, so you can say what you wish. Never mistrust or doubt me, you have no reason to. I am not gadding about the town as you think. I feel safe being your bride, safe from the wolves as we call them. I don't envy what some of the girls are calling a good time.
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