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at work, because I have been idle. I realise darling they are not what they should have been, but blame the enviroment for that. It is not that I don't love you still, I do, & miss you terribly. Now I will tell you why I havn't been writing at nights. For the past month I have had nothing but trouble. First a sore throat, then swollen glands & a few other complaints. Last, but not least I squeezed a pimple, (or I think it was a pimple) on my leg, just below the knee on the inside of the leg. This developed into an angry looking sore and infected the other leg. I tried ever so many things to try & get them better, but every day it would get a white rim around the edge & get a little larger. On Tuesday I went to the Dispensary in despair. He told me I had Lympintitis or Lympingites, I dont' know which is correct. He said it looked like an ulcer at first, so you can imagine what it looked like. Every day since then I have been up for treatment & it is looking much better now thank goodness. The fact that I squeezed my face & that developed into a sore had me thinking all kinds of things, but that is nearly better now. I had to sit at night with my leg on a chair for half an hour, but that is all over now. Don't think I have been neglecting myself darling, I have been looking after myself for you as I have never done before. Everything I do now Alan is for you, when I buy a frock or anything at all my first
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