life in New Guinea after the war. One of his patients fell ill of cerebral malaria last night & lived only 2 hours. I've had a half dozen cerebral victims amongst my line & I lost none. So we have a session & compare symptoms & treatment. Actually I have an experienced orderly to do my treatments & coach me, but he's moved on this four weeks.
In my early writings I believe I devoted many pages raving about Coral reefs. It's so long since I've had the time to see these sights, that all it's fairyland beauty I see again with fresh eyes. This morning we slid from the beach with the first light of day, the canoe beyond ours with it's crew looking for all the world like statues in a tableau, made a perfect study in silhouette. A lone reconaissance bomber droned northwords, but otherwise the Bay lay in a languorous sleep. Any din of traffic or guns would have been more out of harmony than
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