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together. The dumb dope was advised to enjoy the fruits of married life. Years later they met again & the dope was in jubilant spirits. He enjoyed taking his medicine - wouldn't anyone?

As an example of abnormality he quoted the case of a woman, middle aged, whom he treated for a vaginal irritation. Asked how frequently she indulged in horizontal amusement, she casually stated, "Oh! about as often as is usual". Asking her to be more specific, she made his eyes pop by saying, "Once a night during our 17 years of marriage" - and, with a giggle", usually two or three times on Sundays".

By this time you could have knocked doctor over with a hand grenade.

Don't imagine my darling all our discussions followed these lines. Far from it. We debate on the Negro problem, politics, the Russian and German dilemma, morality, medical science in [...], native culture & the temptation to lead an easy, profitable

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