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Lt AE Hooper
Angau, New Guinea Forces
Sept 21st, 1943

To my darling Wife,

How this happiness grows on you. Today I intended to do so much, yet night has fallen & I've hardly been out of the house. At daybrake Doc Strauss, Smathers, & myself canoed down the coast to dynamite fish.

We saw a close-up of one large turtle & ran in amongst a school of tuna. The excursion wasn't a great success from the fishing angle, but the conversation was exceptionally interesting. Being a doctor with quite a large pre-war practice, his memoirs would fill a book, or even two. Some of the strange stories, you would find hard to believe pet. One in particular will give some illustration of sexual types. A husband complained of excession voluptuous dreams, questioning brought to like the fact he'd been totally abestemious of sexual intercourse 17 of his 18 years of married lif. Both he & his wife were indifferent to passion even though they slept

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