leave has been promised.
Thanks too for your kind thoughts for my next anniversary. I'm sure you'll make me very very happy indeed, for you do
know how ! But darling, you [two words illegible] that delicious favour for birthdays [...] will you?
Shame on you for dreaming such grotesque nightmares. What had you eaten before bedtime? Remember on my trek over the Kodoka Trial, I've drank too much rum with our coffee - I began chasing pigs, Elmore saw jumping spiders, went to sleep & saw a headhunter at the foot of his bed. McClusky had a similar dream to yours & woke screaming in terror.
Funny pet but I'm camped only a few yards from one of those gypsy camps. Both sexes lived there too but except for the astal-spirits of the slain there is no inhabitants.
I'm glad you & your boss work well together - I'm sure he & I would enjoy
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