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If the close of every campaign were stronger & Germany is considerably weaker. We're not capturing [...], - we're liberating Papulations to take up the fight with us Up until 1948 October, it was anyones victory but this war. Hitler has already been defeated, but he's got plenty of strength to stay on his feet. If the Germans decide on mass suicide by fighting to exhaustion I imagine the war will drag on for nearly 12 more months. I myself have the convicton that her much bombed people at home will realise it's folly & sue for surrender. Japan is not run by suicidal fantasies like they bred for their armies. At least they can recognise deafeat as they must now foresee it. They'll draw in in their horns and forgs a lot of their ambitious conquests. I'm entertaining high hopes of coming home to stay, on my next leave. Wouldn't that be grand my sweet wife? (a little room, a big hotel; what say you?

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