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Besides these I needed pillow slips for my inflated rubbers. How practically every tactic of natives have some out they excell at. Kiwais for dancing, Hulas for diving & beauty, Sepiks for caring. Hanuabadas as dandies etc. But here I had the artists of sewing, a Karieng Mary. Yesterday I called her up to do her stuff. Her work was perfect. I was surprised. The many herself is a work of art. Softly spoken, a face contained with regular features, dainty, & shy. She will never see 35 again. Other women her age wouldn't rouse the interest of a socialogist [sic] now anyone remotely connected with natives, but the Karieng would.

The more I think about the future my angel the brighter prospects seem. If their nibs get to the hell out of ho. G. my work will cease then. All seems to depend on the European war. In a matter of months countries news dominated by Germany will be Liberated & this should have a snowball effect on our advance.

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