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I'll take pleasure anyhow in knowing the day is in your memory & that you'll toast me from your heart.

Some time ago I had an exciting patrol in a flying flea. It reminds me of what cute names were coined when New Guinea boys saw their first predecessors. "Slim jeans Christ moter car", says the gaping mission savage. And the magician pilot was credited with the buoyancy that made the contraption rise. The P.38 lightning really had them questioning. I "master you I see! Two fella one time" they'd say. "Of course you'd tell them not to flee silly. Aeroplanes don't have picanninnys & they aren't [shakitating?]. The popular description of the twin tailed monster the bird man flies, is "How this pfeller he got a pfeller ars (naughty word eh!) belong 'im."

Remember my old khaki trousers? The bottoms had gotten torn to shreds & a number of my shirts needed mending.

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