supreme. All the natives who helped so grandly are due out for a spell & a celebration en masse. I may go myself to the ceremonial.
Our reaction to this change of existence is a new realisation to me. The advance left a vacuum of inactivity just here. You bet I can well appreciate a week's malolo, or spell as you'd word it.
Remember saying how you'd love me to wear a ring? I had a chance to get a souvenir of one & I remembered. It's one you'd surely thrill at. It's of solid gold, weighs an ounce & one of my Sepiks, versed in the art of carving has engraved some totem signs on it. The face has a diameter of - say a 5.
On it is some mystic combination of a man's head & a snake. I haven't been successful in finding out its significance yet, but I do know it's a good sample of native art. Already I've been offered £30 for it but I'm not selling. I wear it on my left hand too.
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