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From No. Q52 Name. Lt AE Hooper
Unit. Angau New Guinea Forces
Date. September 18th '43.

My Darling Beloved Wife,

There's so many things to say I wonder where to begin. Firstly pet one of our officers came from inland yesterday & handed me nearly a dozen letters, eight of them yours. Somehow they, amongst many others, had either been mislaid or salvaged. You should have seen my happy smile- I know I felt overjoyed. All were written in July from the 2nd to the 28th. After saying all the hard words about your neglect in writing I want to apologise for doubting. Please ignore all I wrote on the matter pet. You may on the other hand have been glad to realise how I depend on your encouraging writings - and so not be hurt.

The other subject on my mind is a pleasant one. I'm taking a week of leisure & sightseeing. As you'll gather by the news the Jap has taken a hiding & is on the run. Peace again reigns

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