have really regular features, tiny feet, and excellent carriage. In short they're beautiful creatures. I'm sure our sinabadas would secretly envy their faultless physique as we do their men. I have no nonsciousness of sex when I admire them, please don't think otherwise.
The air about me is heavy with perfume. I'll dream well tonight my sweet. (Reminds me - I dreamt you, May, & Rita managed to enter the services & were posted here. Oh! how you worried me. I felt I'd never forgive any of you for such foolhardiness. Jap. geisha girls may be fighting with their men but I couldn't bear seeing your heavenliness risking death).
I think I'll post this tomorrow Nancy. Your lovely a wife as a Prince could wish for, and here I write like a friend instead of a lover & husband. Forgive me. Goodnight & pleasant dreams. May our love prosper & grow yet lovlier.
You're all the world to me.
Your loving yearning husband
Alan xxxxxx
AE Hooper Lt.
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