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be no miracle for the European war to end this year though it most likely will hang out another 6 months.

Since my experience of N.G. was confined to Papua it is unlikely I'll have any further claim to the word, 'indispensible'. I may get the break I long for yet.

I can't exactly say I'm caring still for my complexion and hair. I've lost my comb, can't get another for maybe months. Toilet soap here is unknown. The washing soap is full of alkali. May be Jimmy will send some soon as the canteen's restocked.

A war artist came to me last week to seek talent for his models. I was able to coax one of my girls into posing. His work is excellent stuff. When he'd finished he sketched my ex gold-miner man of parts, the W.O II. I wish he were to return. The last line of women are artist's dreams. Quite a number are perfect physical specimens. They

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