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for myself but for the canoe & cargo. Lieveds gathered on the sand dunes to watch the manoevere. One tremendous [...] lifted us high, & how we sped along. Another carried us high on the sand. I almost felt tempted to take a bow. But I forgot to take into account the undertow. The canoe was literally sucked back under the next [dumper?], while the natives stood helpless and gaping. "Go kisch him" I yelled, but they became more useless than ever, & [...] said "he leuggaup pinish." Nevertheless within the hour we'd salvaged canoe & cargo.

Honey don't go naked while I have a surplus of coupons. Enough is ample for me.

My! Isn't the war news encouraging? Italy has capitulated. France will come next. Germany next year will be enveloped by every allied & occupied nation. Ultimate defeat must stare German people in the face. It would

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