sailing in these canoes. I asked two eight year olds to take a party of American Officers & myself out to the reefs. In calm water there was only a few inches of freeboard so when we hit the long swell, water poured in. Still the monkeys paddled on. I said to them "Close up carnoo he go down". "Close up" was the unemotional reply, as they paddled on. Their nonchalance alarmed us passangers so I asked; "Better canoego back along beach - he no enough along big fella soda water". So slowly they saw the widom of it while gallons more poured over the side. It sank finally in water waist deep, & we felt releived.
One day I failed to notice there was a big surf running (we are on a point protected by reefs) & I cajoled a crew into transporting some cargo onto the main beach. Too late I saw my foolhardiness. I wasn't afraid
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