somewhere. I've had at least one later letter. In this one you enclosed the perfume. Darling it breathes romance. The fact its odour is still potent is proof of it's quality. Thanks for remembering.
It's exactly 3 weeks since you penned this letter. (typed, I mean). Only a few minutes ago I had the pleasure of seeing tons of mail unloaded. Only I've not seen men take to a job more readily. I'll go get my share in the morning.
I've changed into my blue stripe pyjamas. My clothes were quite damp.
Out on the reef tonight I flashed on my torch. Fish were leaping all around. One big gar jumped into my canoe. The reef water was beautiful with phosphorescent life. Returning along the beach we found the canoe floating beyond the semi-surf. The boys quite calmly swam out to rescue it. We do some crazy
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