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But poor Alan is in the same old boat. My going would not have been possible unless there was someone to relieve me. I'd also be letting down the men who are fighting. Men who may look up to me, or even cobbers of mine. So when I had fever I refused to be evacuated. (The Lm. D. didn't press me. I was still building his hospital). Under different circumstances I'd be wise to benefit by a staff. I asked Jim to get me a shaving brush & a few other necesities. He sent them & was almost offended when I sent the money. He returned the money with a warning.

I think I'll go to bed now and snatch a few hours of sleep. The fun's over.

9th: I worked 16 hours today on 6 hours sleep. I'm tired buy I couldn't rest until I add a few more lines to this letter.

The postman knocked again today. This one must have been delayed

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