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From No Q52 Name Lt A Hooper
Unit A.P.P 220 Angau, ho. G. Daces
Date September 8th

My Darling Wife,

Tonight I sat and watched the most awe inspiring spectacle of my career. A blanketing storm has brought a period of inaction. Methinks it was Heaven sent. I'm glad I was the spectator and not one of the participants. Rain before, has been never so welcome, unless it was when I've been snuggling in beside you in the carefree past.

I dined on fish fillets, tinned sausages, and scones tonight. Lt Smothers didn't pay a visit so I had no cigar.

My staff has been increased & I've a well organised set-up. I'm moving into a more compatable home tomorrow. It's on high ground overlooking the bay- beautiful, it's cool & away from danger. You'd love this view. It reminds me of the lookout on the Big Buileigh. (That provokes a few wistful memories. I doubt if I ever felt more passionate than

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