chemist. I have been taking iodised tablets.
I bought a new frock at Pauls to-day. I like it & I know you would. I would like to keep it till you come home but I can't as Spring is here. Nancy is short of summer frocks. I will look after it though & keep it as nice as I can for you darling. It is a floral silk one, rather big flowers in yellow, mauve & green with a white back ground. A girl from work comes with me to buy it & said it looked lovely.
Well my darling husband, I will close now. Think of me often Alan as I think of you. God bless you & keep you safe for me. By the way, I say a prayer at night for you now & really mean it. If prayers are answered, you will be safe. You told me it wouldn't hurt me to say one, so I do.
All my love,
Your loving wife,
Nancy xxxxxxx
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