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I can't leave him out of my sight for five minutes or else. I worry about him, but May always leave him & never worries. I always think what could happen if he did so and so, believe me my children will never be left exposed to danger. That is why May says they will be Miss Prims, I laugh at her.

Paula has arrived from Sydney, I am meeting her to-night. Remember she was my pal in the W.A.A.F.s

May has a chance of starting up business above Betts store around near Seaspray, where we used to get our malted milks. It is very nice, I went around with her to have a look at it. She isn't sure yet whether she will start up there. Mum said first of all she must go to the doctor & see if she is well enough. She doesn't look any better. May has never really got over her confinement Mum told me they though at the time she would die. You know the doctor advised her not to have a child for a couple of years as she wasn't strong enough to carry it. Maybe it was a mistake, but they had one & to make matters worse Jeff enlisted & was called up two months before the baby was born. May was broken up & it is a miracle she pulled through alright. The fact little Jeffie is so big & she frets after Jeff dosn't help her much. I wish he had never gone away. May struggling every where with him with a weak heart is wrong, but you cant tell her, she still carries him. He is lovable & you can't wonder at that, but she isn't strong enough. She now has a stroller so it might be a help.

I have had a bad throat for five days. I cant figure out what it is. I thought perhaps tonsolitis, but I now think it is a gland. If it isnt better in a couple of days I will go to a

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