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terrible. I don't care if I never see Maroochydore again, do you? Alan, I couldn't help but think how much nicer it would be to take a house instead of a room at a Guest House, you have a lot more privacy. May had a house & I think we could have enjoyed ourselves a lot more there than in Seaspray. I say I cant cook, but I wouldn't let you starve, I would cook a steak for you every day. Remember what Mrs Davies said.

I was complimented about your pip I had made into a broach, an Australian Lieut on the bus ^train on Friday night was taken up with it & asked me did I mind telling him where I had it done. I told him & he said he would have one done for his wife. He was ever so nice to me, looked after my port & offered to keep me a seat on Sunday afternoon coming back, but I forgot to watch out. May missed the bus at Maroochydore, I put all the luggage on and was minding May a seat for when it came back from Picnic Point, but on Sundays its dosn't come back & May was left behind. She was at Mrs.Burnetts having afternoon tea. I phoned Mrs. Burnett when I arrived at Woonbye & luckily she got May a drive into Palmwood with a friend of hers & she met me there. Dad & Mr. Kennedy were waiting at Roma St, both overjoyed to see Ian again. May had some photos taken of her & Ian & they are lovely. She is sending Jeff one so you will see it perhaps.

May bet me when I have a child it will be a girl, & she can imagine what a little Miss Prim she will be. I asked her why she thought that & she said the only alternative to that will be a nervous wreck. I am always telling her she should watch Ian more carefully, truly he nearly gives me grey hairs.

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