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know. I remember as clearly as day, you knew nothing about it & nor did I, it came so unexpectedly & we didn't want it. What a dream. I also had a frightful dream about Jeff. Our family were staying on the coast somewhere & Jeff Ian & May were with us. There were some Japanese women at our place & Jeff offered to escort them around to their camp. He had been gone some time & I went looking for him. It was like a gipsy camp & I went up & asked the chief were Jeff was. He told me I would never see him again as they had be headed him because he was so bitter about them. Well I suffered all the anguish of what I would say to May, & her reactions. It was so realistic it woke me up in the early hours of the morning & I couldn't doze off again, these dreadful things kept haunting me. Sounds as if I am going crazy dreaming things like that doesn't it? I am glad that only happens once in a blue moon as I felt more tired to-day than if I had had a late night.
Well I have my work caught up to date & the bosses orders are, you can do what you like when you are caught up. Lay is very good to me Alan & one of these days I would like you to meet him, I am sure you would like him.
I had two days off at the week-end & went up to Maroochydore to help May home with her luggage. It was a miserable week-end rained the whole time. Between showers we managed to go for a walk on Saturday afternoon & were around near Seaspray. Darling, Maroochydore bought back pleasant memories to me. We were staying on the river side, the water came up to the fence. There was a spot almost directly opposite where I remember you went for a swim, & wanted me to come in too. Other than the memories I had of you the place
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