30. keep
C/- Mrs. O'Neill,
41 Dorchester St,
Highgate Hill
My Own Darling,
No word from you for nearly a fort night & I really can't help worrying about you. The war news to-day is great, the fly in the ointment is, are you amongst them. I know you are somewhere in that area. I pray you are safe & well.
I have lost count of my letters so am sending this a no. 30, and will keep a check from here on. I wrote you practically every night when you went back, but not getting any mail from you & news being so scarce, I couldn't possibly write every night or I would bore you stiff. I write darling, when I have news & can manage to make my letter a little interesting. It makes me boil to think you don't get my mail, it is as if we are cut off completely, from one another. I sent you three parcels in the past couple of weeks & will be sending you another any day now for your birthday. I do hope you get this one my darling. In case my parcel doesn't arrive on time. I want to congratulate you now, my husband is 25 years old, my word darling you are growing up, I knew you when you were nineteen. I am going to take a wish on your birthday & you do the same thing, wish darling for your return soon. I hope I can make you really happy on your 26th birthday, the way I know I can. I dreamt last night I had a baby, it was the funniest dream. Somehow I must have been associating myself with a fowl because, I was trying to hatch it. I had it wrapped in blankets & was standing watching for some movement. Dont ask me what I had in the blanket, I don't
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