C/ Mrs O'Neill,
41 Dorhester St.,
Highgate Hill,
2nd Sept '43.
My Own Darling,
Yes, I am writing at work again, I have a really good job now. I have Jays job and if I have any spare time I can please myself what I do. Now don't think I am loafing, by all means no, I have a lot to do, actually all the work handled in the office, first comes to Jay, as chief clerk, & is next distributed to me to take action on & distribute to the right persons in the office. After it goes through them it is all handed back to me & I then have to see which is which & put it in the right boxes to be sent to the correct places. So you see although I am now idle I still have quite a lot of responsibility as I have things all over the office I have to keep my eye on. I have a large table with a big draw on one side & two on the other. I have everything I want, a typewriter, trays, & all sorts of gadgets such as a stapler, Hummer machine for punching holes in our work orders & staple remover etc. It is really nice & I am very lucky.
It was pay day to-day & I went up town to try & buy a frock, but didn't see anything I liked. I will try Pauls to-morrow they had some lovely ones in their window. I want a really good linen, one I can get a lot of wear out of & always look nice.
I had a letter from May last night, she is really keen on me coming up for the week-end so I guess I had better
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