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Brittania St,

My Own Darling Husband,

I have just finished reading your 15th letter. You asked me to number mine, well I am starting off at 20, and have easily written you that number. I do hope you receive all of them. Before I go any further, please excuse my writing, as I have the pad on my knee and I am sitting on the bed.

The reason for this is, I am staying at the Guest Houses up the road, Mum & Dad went to Noosa this morning. The room I have is quite comfortable and the dinner to-night was good, but there are four children, and they certainly are cheeky. To make matters worse, I am the only boarder and she set my tea at the table with theirs. Rather than sit outside with them now I am enjoying the solitude of my bedroom.

Alan darling it makes me shudder to think you are suffering such hardships. Do be ever so careful of those wogs Alan, don't take any risks please. Yes, I'm afraid I would die of fright in a place like that. I only wish my letters were reaching you. You say you are settled for a while. I hope so darling, you might be able to make a few little comforts for yourself. You mention the drive to Redcliff that night, I don't feel bad about that night, it has always seemed the right thing to give all I have to you, and it seemed right to be there with you. I am sure darling we were meant for each other, arn't you? I hope and pray you will soon get a base job & we can really do some planning then. Don't worry over me, I am not lonely or unhappy, I never get much of a chance to brood although I yearn for you at times. I wish you were here right now, I want you for more

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