3 Xs
The Yank opened his wallet & showed us a photo of his girl friend. We complimented him on his good taste. She was obviously classy. The cobber remarked, "she's an Australian too, isn't she?" - that without malice. On the contrary the lass turned out to be an American. It seemed to offend him having mistaken her [her inserted in front of mistaken] for an Aussie & he was vehement in saying no Australian girl had her class - couldn't we see the difference? The other lieut found himself challenged to uphold our women's prestige. Would I mind showing my wife's photo? I did. It made his beauty parlour miss look 3rd rate, & after catching his breath he ate his words about class. It's against my principle to compare our women folk but I just had to oblige when challenged. At the last place I was at, some yanks were entertaining me when mail arrived. One of the L.C.Os [?] put on a worried face. He'd had a letter from some old girl. Evidently he'd spent a few hundred dollars giving her a good time. Perhaps she was a Victory girl; I don't know, but he spoke his thoughts frankly. He was trying to decide whether she was worth the expense & didn't sound happy about it. His 'buddy' commented
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