Q52 Lt AE Hooper
New Guinea Forces
July 21 1943.
My Darling Beloved Wife,
It seems an age since your last letter arrived, pet. So long, that tonight I've been wondering about you & hoping nothing is amiss. I had hoped for work in an area close to the main L of C. like Jimmy. Here, we're so advanced that mail has to be readdressed five times before the miracle happens. However, on the trip up, it stands a good chance of going to 'Davey Jones Locker', instead of to Hooper's 'Port'. I'll be patient a few more days, since I must.
Perhaps this is the letter you've been eager to read. It finds me ever the worst of the ordeal, and tension is relaxed once more. The night I left, there wasn't a friendly cloud. The moon seemed to mock me. It was the longest & most anxious night I ever spent. Charley made all the excitement. you needn't feel anxious for me from now on. The only apes hereabouts are bones, meat, & B.O. They're grim. I'm all for cremation in future,
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