Brittania Street,
My Own Darling Husband,
Another day has past, and the night once again
finds me writing to you. No letter to night, but I guess I shouldn't expect mail too often under the circumstances.
I am feeling very tired to night, I don't know why, I think I am getting too fond of my bed. All I feel like at nights is to lie on a nice comfortable bed and relax. You know darling, I often yearn for you, even just to hug your dear old head close to my bosom, even the thought of it makes me feel contented and happy. It is great to feel your nearness, do you feel the same way?
It isn't so cold to night, but the cold weather isn't over yet.
I went up to see Rita today, remember I told you she was sick, well she isn't back at work yet. I think Rita should get married too and she would be well and happy like me.
The family is going away Monday week, I haven't quite decided what I'll do. I did think of batching but don't know whether I could stand it. I will probably end up staying at the Guest House up the road.
I am pleased to hear you are with Fin again. Are you only doing Administrator work temporarily. I do hope you eventually get back down here.
Well my darling you will have to excuse my
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