My rings are a lovely blend, everybody likes them. Rita said nothing but white gold for her. My engagement ring dosn't trouble me at all, & the wedding ring is a little large, but not noticeable. I will need it like that someday.
A.W.N.E.L, american driver, was killed last night. She collided with a train. She had an officer in the back and he had a miraculous escape. She was to be married at the end of the month, her fiance was flown up from Sydney to be by her bed when she died. She is being buried to-morrow, isn't it tragic? Some dreadful things happen.
Alan I can get you some lovely home made sweets, from a neighbour, she makes for some of the big stores in town. Would toffee melt if I sent you some up, do you think it would be alright? I havn't forgotten my promise about the cake; I will make you one all by myself.
The Dr. has ordered May to bed for a week. Says she has a weak heart but he will be able to cure her. May shouldn't have had a baby when she did, she was advised not to, the Dr. told her she was too weak to carry it, but she didn't heed, or maybe it was an accident. Before she can pick up again, she starts hairdressing, but he has stopped her thank goodness.
I look a lot different now, I don't roll my hair under. Everybody likes it like this, it was the way you wanted me to do it, but I didn't think it would look nice.
Darling, do you really think you will be down next March? I hope so, and I pray it is to stay, I miss you a lot. My dear I am going to close now as I am very tired. All my love now & always
Your ever adoring wife xxxxx
Nancy xxxxxxxxxx
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