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think we will go to the Regent, I believe there is a good show on there.

Isn't it lovely my flower shed none of its petals, I wanted you to keep it. It is a Camelia darling.

I laughed when you reminded me of the maid at the Canberra. You should have seen the startled look on her face. She thought she had walked in on something (& she had).

You will be able to enjoy the luxury meals maybe I make for you someday darling. I will do my best for you anyway darling. I told you I was making a dressing gown, well I have half finished it & it looks quite nice. Out of two sheets Alan, I am practising austerity.

Fancy you dreaming we were still single. I will forgive you though seeing you dreamt of our happiness the next night.

The family is going to Noosa in a couple of weeks time. I can't go, worse luck. I am keeping my eye open for somewhere has to stay in town while they are gone.

Yes darling, I will buy you some songbooks, & also send you those clippings. I will also keep my ears open for some good jokes, I don't know one.

Well my darling I want to go up & finish my dressing gown now so will say good-bye for now my dear. I will write again to-morrow night.

Herbert arrived last night.
Good-night darling, all my love,
Your adoring wife,
Nancy xxxxxxxxxx

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