P.S. I love you my darling xxxx
Brittania Street,
2nd July, 1943.
My Own Darling Husband,
Another day has passed my dear, every day that passes brings your return to me closer, so they cant go quick enough for me.
May has just finished trimming my hair, she only cut the ends, they were a bit straggly. I will have my hair long for your return, just how you want it to look dear.
Yesterday I was walking through T.C. Beirnes & saw some flanelette sheets for no coupons. I pondered for a few minutes & hit on a great idea. I bought two to make a dressing gown for myself. It should be alright.
Mum tells me they are going to release towels & woollen blankets soon, if they do I will buy so many as I can, because we will need them.
Little Ian isn't too well, has had a heavy cold & tonight his eyes are inflamed. He will probably be better in a couple of days.
Have you heard from Colin yet, or your Mother & Father. I was thinking Alan perhaps they think we had our wedding planned and didn't let them know. Hazel & Phylis would probably be hurt we didn't ask them, I hope not for your sake darling. I will go up to your place one Sunday for a while for your sake, I don't want them to think badly of you darling, you don't deserve that. I wouldn't have a soul think badly of you, I love you too much for that
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