looked back since our marriage, I am wonderfully happy and contented, and am more in love now than I have ever been in my life before. I love being married darling, you are the world's best husband as far as I am concerned. I am so thrilled about being married, Rita is quite jealous & if Ron were here I am almost sure she would marry him to-morrow. She is thinking of taking back his ring, she is sick & tired of flying around. We are going to dinner & show in town next Wed. night together & she is taking me riding one Sunday.
The things you do for me make my love for you grow stronger every day. You shampooing your hair etc. Do you use Star blond? When I can look after you, you will be the best looking & most well groomed gentleman in the districts all the other wives will be jealous of my wonderful husband.
By the way, that name was Juleen Dawn. Do you want me to send your coupons on to Moresby? You don't state very clearly what you want me to do. You mentioned you had a fever coming on. I hope my darling you are alright by the time this letter reaches you.
Don't worry over my low-boy dear, Mays furniture arrived yesterday and I now have the furniture out of her room. I have the end of the verandah partitioned off, the double bed where my bed was, and the wardrobe & dressing table down near the door. They take nearly the width of the verandah & form & partition. Then I have the wash stand against the wall & a table near the windows. The bed has a capoc mattress, & is comfortable, the room looks cosy & I have plenty of room
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