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Brittania Street,
1st July, 1943.

My Own Darling Husband,
I received your third & fouth letter to-night & am feeling rather happy. I guessed you left on Thursday as this is the first news I have since last Thursday night when I spoke to you on the phone. I wish I could phone you up there.

The book you mailed hasn't arrived yet, I will be looking for it in the mail every night, thanks a lot darling. It should be very interesting.

Please Alan don't worry over me not waiting for you, you have no need to worry. I have no inclination to go out anywhere, and definitely not with anybody darling. I like you being possessive you can always be like that & never entertain any doubts about me, as I am your heart & soul.

You apologise for hurting me. You will never know how sorry I am I hurt you so much. I knew you were terribly hurt down at Burleigh. I did love you blindly enough to wait till
Dommsday for you, and no matter what I told you down there, I would always be waiting for you. I didn't lose faith in you, it was just I had so many opportunities and was so spoilt, I felt justified in going out. Anybody I ever met I compared with you & have never met your equal darling, and never will. I would never have given you up for any friend I made, never. If you can find room in your big heart to really forgive & forget, I will never mention them again. Believe me when I tell you I haven't

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