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Bittania Street

My Dearest Alan,

Well my darling I haven't heard from you in the last couple of days guess the worst has happened. By the time this letter reaches you, you should have received five others.

It is Saturday night, I had no inclination to go out to-night. May & Stan have gone to the pictures, but I am getting more pleasure out of writing to you. I received your second letter last night, I am pleased to hear you had such a pleasant stay in Townsville, although wish I had gone with you. I would have enjoyed the meals darling, I have been eating as much salad as I could get since I arrived home, I even bought some celery on my way home to-night. I am missing you a lot, it seems ages since you left. I hope all the weeks aren't as slow as this last one dear. Those twins you mentioned made me quite envious, did you get the recipe? If our children are as lovable we will have a tribe (maybe) Anyway we will have three or four. I too regret in not havin one, next time maybe.

It is vey cold to-day, I was nearly freezing on my way to work. There was frost everywher. I missed the bus this morning slept in darling. I caught the Hawthorn bus and wasn't vey late. Please excuse the mistakes I have made above, there is a good story on the wireless and parts of it are too good to miss.

I didn't know about that mother & her three daughters I can't beleive it. I can imagine their type.

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