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days but not close enought to visit him. I guess the place will be changed to when I saw it last. I'll be with Jay's cobbers unfortunately. There was no earthly hope of getting the job I hoped for from our unit. I decided not to apply elsewhere after I saw the locality. I wasn't back here more than a few hours before my head & limbs began their groaning. It's truly amazing. Right now my temperature is approaching fever point. I'll have no lack of medical attention where I'm going (It'll be my 5th trip) Jim Stewart is on the same kind of work which is entirely supervision.

I'm enclosing an official transfer sheet for my coupons, pet. You can dispense with the cardboard cover ^ glue the sheets onto the blue official paper. At the officers shop in T'ville you can buy the best shorts & shirts for 7/6'. My togs will be little use here & my uniform also.

My heads beginning to nod so here's wishing you sweet dreams ura henigu (my loving wife). May time fail to dampen your spirit. Yes Darling I will earnestly pray for my return as well as live for it. I do hope my efforts to fill your lonliness are a success. Right now you have not my clinging body but you have my thoughts and heart and soul. Your ever loving husband
Alan xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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