Q52 Leiut A.E.Hooper
New Guinea Force
26th June '43
Darling Beloved- Nancy,
I'm reading two of your wonderful letters tonight I felt so terribly & soulfully happy. They were the answer to a lonely husband's prayers pet. How I can find words to answer them I don't quite know. I pray our love will always be as viril as it is now, my cherished one. there was a time when my confidence in you was badly shaken. Let me tell you my cynicsm has changed. I trust my lovely wife implicitly. How could I feel otherwise, loving as I do? Thanks for your understanding the entraining bungle. It made me feely pretty better for a while. I wish I had crept into your room to kiss those tears away. Still I give you credit for being a brave heart. A good weep can unburden your choking emotions when all esle fails. Never have I love you more than the rare times I hurt you enough to make you sob. Did you ever wonder why I was so heartbroken that night at Burleigh? Well it
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