I left a message to say I would come back in half an hour, I was happy when I came back to hear you had been located. I didn't havee to wait long then, but the time was much too short, I should have booked for ten minutes, shouldn't I Darling. I walked out of the box with tears in my eyes, saying good-bye over the phone was nearly as bad as saying good-bye in person, don't you think so? I felt sad & lonely after I left the P.O. I couldn't catch a bus till 11:5 p.m. so decided to go to the Carlton Theaterette for an hour and a half. I then went & had supper, toasted sandwiches &coffee & then made for the bus. I went to sleep in the bus and woke with a start to find I was resting my head on a chaps shoulder. He said he didn't mind in the least, but I kept awake from there on.
I am sorry to hear you had such a terrible journey up, I guessed you would, it looked crowded to me & I know what night travelling is in a crowded train, it is agony. I am glad I brought the fruit for you. I hope you don't get a C.M. over the priosners, it would be unfair.
I have had my Identy card changed & have also recieved our Marriage Licese tonight I received a form to fill in regards my allotment, I will fill it in to-morrow.
I called for our wedding proofs but they aren't ready yet, will probably get them at the end of the week. I also have to change the name in my bank book. Darling
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