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Brittania Street,

My Own Darling Husband
I received your lovely letter this morning, it made me realise how lucky I am to have such a good husband. Alan don't worry over the other night at the station, I wasn't mad, only terribly disappointed. I guess the boys did think it a bit of a joke.

It was last night I phoned you, it was lovely to hear you speaking, I would have phoned you again to-night, but I didn't know whether you would be in & I couldn't go through what I went through last night again for nothing. Yesterday I found out from Trunk Line what the delay on the call would be & found it would be two hours so I booked for 4 p.m. I went up to the G.P.O. at 6pm and waited till seven & suffered the humiliation of a couple of dozen soldiers giving me the once over. When Townsville board rang through they said you were out, I could have sat down & cried. They asked me would I wait & I said I would because I didn't think you would go out if you were expecting me to call. I waited for a quarter of an hour and couldn't bear it any longer so decided to go for a walk and come back.

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