2 [circled]
Brittania Street,
My Darling Husband,
I received your wire to-night and I am thrilled. Thanks a lot for being so thoughtful. Don't worry over your hurried departure, it couldn't be helped. Appart from being terribly disappointed & a little worried over you, I suffered no ill effects. I love you ever so much darling.
I have just finished ironing your pyjamas and my night dresses, and put them carefully away for our next honeymoon. Let us pray it will be soon, I miss you a lot.
I have settled down at work again, I will stay there till your return so don't worry over me.
Aunt Lou has a table cloth & half a dozen serviettes for us, isn't that lovely. Aunt Lizzie from out Cavendish Rd. wrote & said how pleased she was with the good news, and said a lot of nice things about you, I am lucky Alan. If ever I said anything to hurt you darling please try to
forgive me, because underneath I have loved you more than anything else in the world. I will never hurt you again.
Winter is here now. To-day it was very cold, a strong easterly is blowing outside, I wouldn't like to be out in it. You are lucky you missed the colder days.
Alan do take care of yourself for me. Keep the mosquitoe net over you at night, and don't get any cuts, I am frightened for you now I know how dangerous they can be. Please excuse writing darling, thumb is terrible. I will close for to-night darling sending all my love.
Your adoring wife,
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