a course of instruction. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I do hope you do the right thing in regard to your future work. I can imagine how you felt returning home without me. It must have made you depressed, and restless to turn our back on home-life. Try to believe all will be different some day soon - when we can devote ourselves to each other, pet.
Did you buy Mum something? I'd like her to have some token of our appreciation. She's done so much. Give my love to all at home, remember me to our friends. Let's hope the photos from Greens do both us a flattery. I still want you to buy yourself a love-boy. Keep your eye open for one. Had I better send you a blank cheque.
I've been writing and day dreaming over you for 3 hours now. Time I said cheerio. You know the Salv. Army sing parodies to popular tunes. Well last night they sung "Maoris Farewell" It brought a lump to my throat, honey. Don't forget to write me some songs & send a few crosswords, eh. May God bless you Nance darling, amy these few lines help soothe your aching heart & bring me ever closer to your wilful soul. write that I might understand one woman's all. I'll try to write often and give you the news.
All my love & a thousand caresses. (Christian Science ones this time)
Forever your adoring husband
Alan xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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