Canbara [Canberra?] Hotel,
June 17th, 1943.
My Own Darling,
I have just arrived home from seeing you off, I have a kind of empty feeling, they have taken my most treasured possession (my husband) away from me. I was very disappointed not being able to see you for at least five minutes, it couldn't be helped though. I kissed you good bye from my heart Alan, did you feel it darling. Until I hear from you I will be worrying about you. Did you get hurt jumping into the train? I got right down to the tram stop and thought of your luggage, I went back, bought a third platform ticket & looked for it but I couldn't see it anywhere. Don't worry over the hurried departure, I was happy to be there just watching you, to know you were there darling.
I came straight home and am now lying in bed in my pink nightdress with my dressing gown on, have the reading lamp on, and the little table along side the bed. Everywhere I look I am reminded of you. Your dressing gown is on the bed, your tunic at the foot and your pyjamas sitting on top of my port, needless to tell you how I feel darling, the crocodile tears keep trickling down my face. I can't help myself. Alan darling lets both pray every night for your return soon. My ten days of married life have been the happiest days I have known, I think myself crazy for ever hesitating about marriage, you were right darling, no number of potential lovers could compensate for this.
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