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be happy to deprive you of your true-love. Have no fear I detest anything contemptible & you'll suffer no loss of pride. You will of course be content in knowing I am with someone
known by you. This sounds pretty much like an excuse doesn't it? I'm wholly and solely yours - you know it.

Last week end darling would completely fade in the background could you but see your way clear to come down here for a honeymoon or even a few days. Moreover I'm cold
at nights and need my lover so. Won't you consider your intention of waiting till you're 23? Surely no number of potential lovers or parties could mean so much to you. Still I prefer
you to be honest with yourself.

The time is 11.30 & that's time to send away our mail. I'll write often & remember I need you as often. My regards to Aunt & if you're down home again give my love to all the family. Give Ian a kiss for me if he doesn't think it too sissy. Thinking of you always & hoping you are well. [ChelaBa Mahuta?] my darling
Your affianced Lover

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