& there are two officer patients. Don't think I've forgotten any of my promises because of this holiday spirit; I haven't. In fact I'm lonely for you. I asked you to come down for a week end darling. Can you arrange a full week end? Say you can and I'll find you accommodation.
The camp is usually emptied at night. Everyone goes to a dance, picture show or someplace. I went to see "Lady Hamilton" last night. It nearly broke me up it was so
morbid. Remember "Wuthering Heights"? Well Heathcliffe played the role of Lord Nelson
& Vivien Leigh (fiddle dee dee) became Lady Hamilton. The drama opens in a house of
ill fame - ex Lady Hamilton an outcast of society her real identity unsuspected, & a pitiful
shell of her former beauty. It is here that she confides to her friend her glorious past.
I'd much rather tell you the story myself when we're again together.
Audrey McClusky is down here at her Aunts for a holiday. We met at the show last night, and they're taking me to a dance tonight. You know my lack of any sort of interest in Audrey & knowing women, suspect that she'll
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