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Q52 Lt. A E Hooper
101st Con [Convalescent] Camp Detachment
17th May '43.

My Darling Lover,

I hope the hasty note I wrote yesterday arrived o.k. I gave it to our ambulance driver to deliver to your Aunt's. As I was saying in he first short note there was no escape from this draft. Everything had to be so hurriedly done that I left camp without breakfast. I just want you to be convinced it was a surprise & a shock to me especially after some of the things we discussed Sunday night Nance.

I don't wish to arouse your envy or appear wholly contented but this setting here is what soldiers dream of, or see in films. Leave every night and every second day pet, visitors any
afternoon. I could even sleep out nights. How I wish you were here to share this semi-Paradise. Two weeks is the minimum stay; 3 if you feel in need of it. The camp is in charge of a Lieutenant

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