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27, April, 1943.

My Own Darling,
Just a few lines to let you know I am thinking of you to-night and wishing you were here with me.

No doubt you will be surprised to see May, she couldn't bring babe, he is much too heavy.

Do you want me to come out and see you. You say you will be leaving there on Sunday, will you be home or sent out to the convelescent depot. If it is the latter, let me know, as I want to come and see you darling.

I have been knitting to-night, I must get my cardigan finished for you to see.

I have been thinking of you the whole time Alan, I love you so much. If you were here right now I would want to marry you this minute, it is just the way I feel. I was thinking how lovely it would be all the way home in the bus.

Well my darling I will say good-night now I will dream of you to-night.
All my love.
Your wife to be,

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