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My Dearest Alan,
I received your letter last night thanks for writing honey.

I have written two letters before this one, but have lost them. The envelopes were sealed & addressed and one was stamped so you might receive them, heres hoping.

The job is going alright, next week I am starting at 8.15 so will be able to catch a bus at
7.15 am instead of 8.15, an extra hour in bed. I think I have strained my eyes, they are blood-shot and smarting. I work on figures all day so I guess it is the cause. If they are no better to-morrow I will go over to medical.

Yes daring I will be out on Saturday afternoon I guess I had better hurry, what with an A.W.A.S. visiting you every night. You had better warn her about me, she is trespassing. Does she belong to the cheer up society, visiting all the men in hospital, anyway it is nice to think somebody can go and see you, because I can't. I am too afraid to come out at night, on Saturday I can see what the place is like and if I think it is alright I will come out next week.

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