Brittania Street
Tuesday, 20.4.43
My Dearest Alan
No word from you yet darling. I hope you are over the worst by now. I miss you ever so much, and am praying you won't have to go back, I keep telling myself you won't and am almost convinced by now.
I stayed at your place for tea on Sunday night, Hazel and Fred drove me home after. Everything was alright darling.
It is hard settling down to work again after the lovely month I have spent with you. To-day it didn't seem quite so bad, but yesterday was terrible. I leave here on the 6:15 a.m bus to start work at 8 o'clock but next week I won't have to do that as I am going to start 1/4 of an hour late and work in my lunch hour. I hope you are well by the week-end, I get Saturday and Sunday for Easter, better than nothing. The moon is lovely to-night, just one big orange ball, and they are singing on the wireless 'Wanting You', believe me I do.
Well my darling I will close now as I
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