A.C.W. O'Neill, N.J
No. 1. B.A.G.S.
Evans Head
My Own Darling
I have just come home from your place, gosh darling I wish you were home. I came home on leave on Friday and am home till next Thursday. I was hoping you would arrive home while I was home, but no such luck. I am unlucky enough for you to come the day I go back. I will be home again soon I hope so dont worry. I'll be here.
I received your letter at the Heads quite a few days ago, but darling up till the time I came on leave I didn't have a minute to spare. I started work at 6:30 and worked through till after 9 o'clock on Monday. Tuesday I had to go to a lecture & Wed I had to go back to work. Thursday I travelled all night so darling forgive me for not answering before. I have been thinking of you the whole time.
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