to see such an epic.
Owen Reynolds paid me a surprise visit a few day ago. He certainly got around while South. A private again but there's quite a chance he'll find early promotion. Time has changed him but little. He tells how well you look. Jeff wrote from his new location. Such a pity we're not in the same district. Of course I may see a lot of him after my month is up.
There's a jeep I see most day with Nancy Jane imprinted on the bonnet. Circumstantial evidence, sweet.
The band is playing a stiring march as I write. Its a tonic to hear music for in most civilised pleasures I fell unsated. I feel like a country youngster who visits a city gala week. I do miss intensely the old kingdom I left. The lonely life gets into your blood.
The weather has been delightful. This dry heat is much more bearable than the steamy sticky jungle humidity.
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