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home I had yet another attack of malaria & the treatment began once more. For this I'm glad my holiday won't be spoilt by illness & this sickly anaemia will give way to easy checks & etc unsympathetic hq's granted me only a months leave not much encouragement after nearly 3 years continuous service. Gee! It'll be swell seeing you again. How much have you changed pet? You'll find me outwardly much the same as you remember. I have changed inwardly and I'm pretty much a cynic. Could you get home each week end? I suppose not. Anyway I hope there's hotel accommodation in Lismore.

Last night I felt strong enough to walk the few hundred yards to our picture show. 'Wake Island' was the feature. Gosh it's the realisation such productions bring that gives you a fighting spirit. My own experiment over the other side were cold-blooded, so it was a treat

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